JTInstagram+ JiMODs Jimtechs Editions

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JTInstagram+ v4.0 JiMODs Jimtechs Editions

JTInstagram+  JiMODs Jimtechs Editions Allows Users to Download Photos, Videos, IGTV and Reels in High Quality. Also, help you try exclusive features including a material designed mod, that provides TONs of features including Ghost Mode, Picture quality improvements, Downloads, and many more!


JTInstagram+ JiMODs Jimtechs Editions can perform all the Instagram functions and provides similar features as well. It was mainly designed to offer a variety of many other extra features that users have been crying for but couldn’t access from the original app and they include the following:


Key Features of JTInstagram+ v2.0 JiMODs Jimtechs Editions :


Download pictures and videos: allows you to download images and videos and save them onto your device, but it also allows you to delete the original application and save on space using it as the main platform for accessing your IG account

Close Friends List: you can create your own list of close friends from out of your follower’s list, and choose to share your story with them alone

Hide Stories from List: allows you to hide all photos and videos that you would like to post on your stories from specific people of your choosing, and this includes live videos.

Allow Message Replies: you can choose to allow, message replies to either everyone, people you know or disable replies entirely.

Save Story to Archive :Save live to archive – Your live videos can be saved to your archives for 30 days of which, only you can see them.

Sharing: When you turn this off, other people would not be able to add your feed posts to their stories. This also applies to sharing photos and videos from your story as messages because you can toggle this feature on and off as you please.

No Advertisements: get an ad-free platform that allows you to view the important stuff on your feed alone. Ads can be disabled under the privacy setting.


Analytics and Crash Reports is disabled


Ghost Mode : Here you can disable typing status to prevent the people you might be texting using the app from knowing that you’re typing anything, You can decide to hide your activity as a viewer from people’s stories and they won’t know that you watched it even if it was specifically meant for you, With the ‘Don’t mark directly as read’ feature you can read someone’s message in your DM and close the app without them realizing that you read it in the first place.


Quality Improvements: you get to improve the quality of various Instagram files such as:

IGTV quality

Photo Quality

Reels Quality

Stories’ Quality


Smart Gestures: you can either swipe left or right to navigate between pages, zoom on a photo by long-tapping, and even like a photo by double-tapping on it. These can even be disabled if one wishes to do so.

Misc: There are many other minor features that are important because it’s the little things that matter.

Discover People: You can discover people by following the people on your contacts who have an active Instagram account and get to know more about their lives through their stories.

How to Install Instagram + Jimtechs Editions ?


Uninstall any old version if it’s installed.

Download “JTInstagram”.

Install the “apk”.

Log in to your account.

Enjoy the brand new “INSTAGRAM Plus JiMODs”.

What's new

Base upgrade to version;

Added Monet color scheme support for Android 12+;

Themed Icon for Android 13+;

Added Animated Splash for Android 12+;

In-App Lock (Beta);

Added 60 second stories;

Developer Mode decoder (MobileConfig);

Redesigned Instander menu.;

Added download button to the three dots menu

Redesigned of all toast messages.;

Fixed Auto OTA feature. Now the progress dialog is not displayed when you open the application;

Spanish language

Added selective biography in profile

Reorganization of almost all my code.”

Added hide “Download feed button

Redesigned all dialogs

Added new Instander Sans font (Latin, Cyrillic, Thai, Tamil, Persians support)

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