WinWing2 Mod Apk
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WinWing2 Mod Apk
WinWing 2 is an arcade game of the shoot ’em up genre, combined with roguelike gameplay, which offers you 60 skills to engage in fierce battles. You have been assured an exciting game experience due to the twenty-nine chapters, endless mode, boss fights, world boss, multiplayer mode, etc. Download WinWing 2 now to experience a hail of bullets.
Great features
[Vintage arcade game, easy to play]
Use one finger to control your fighter to dodge bullets and missiles and fight back, which brings you back to the old arcade ages.
[Various evolution system]
6 magnificent barrages, 12 representative fighters, and 60 dazzling skills make up thousands of fighting preferences. Moreover, you can get boosted by a talent system, collection system, upgrade system, companion system, and equipment system.
[Immersive graphics and sounds]
You will be gratified to see the well-designed graphics and to hear the immersive sounds. The graphics and sounds alter as you advance through chapters and the enemies you encounter.
[Extend the imagination of Shoot ’em up]
WinWing 2 is not just a Shoot ’em up game merged with roguelike gameplay, but also adds the multiplayer mode into it for you never feel lonely in battles.
Network is acquired. WinWing 2 is a free-to-play game, however, you can still use real money to buy some items. By downloading this game, you agree to our privacy policy and term of use.
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Contact: winwinghelp@ivymobile com
What's new
Ver 1.1.3 is coming
Add dispatch function, refreshed daily with great rewards waiting for you!
Add Level 7,8,9 to the Illegal Zone.
Added Contact Us button in the Settings.
Fix known bugs.
Optimize some interfaces.