nzb360 – Sonarr / Radarr / SAB Pro Apk

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nzb360 – Sonarr / Radarr / SAB Pro Apk

nzb360 is a full-featured NZB / torrent manager that focuses on providing the best experience possible for controlling all of your usenet and torrent needs.

The following services are currently supported:
•  SABnzbd
•  NZBget
•  Deluge
•  Transmission
•  µTorrent
•  qBittorrent
•  rTorrent/ruTorrent
•  SickBeard / SickRage
•  Sonarr
•  Radarr
•  Lidarr
•  Bazarr
•  Prowlarr
•  CouchPotato
•  Headphones
•  Unlimited Newznab Indexers
•  Jackett

nzb360 also supports all kinds of connections, including local/remote addresses, SSL/TLS, HTTP Authentication, URL rewrites, reverse proxies, and more.

If you have any questions, need support, have an awesome feature idea, or just want to say hi, you can use the built-in feedback mechanism to get in touch to help continuously improve nzb360 over time.

I truly hope you enjoy nzb360. =)

What's new

- Added back, forward, and refresh buttons to the custom webview in Prowlarr. Also note, the Android back button also works as a back button.
- Dashboard -> TV Show's Popular and Trending New Show sections will now actually respect the country code setting in Dashboard settings, instead of using your device's region as the default.
- Fixed issue where notifications for items in SABnzbd, NZBget, and Torrents wouldn't send a complete notification.
- Stability improvements.


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