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NES.emu Emulator Apk Paid

Advanced open-source NES emulator (known as Famicom in Japan) based on FCEUX with a minimalist UI and a focus on low audio/video latency, supporting a wide variety of devices from the original Xperia Play to modern devices like the Nvidia Shield and Pixel phones.

Features include:
* Supports .nes and .unf file formats, optionally compressed with ZIP, RAR, or 7Z
* Famicom Disk System emulation using .fds files (select BIOS in the options)
* VS UniSystem support, push Start to insert coins
* Uses FCEU-compatible cheat files (.cht extension) with editing features
* Zapper/Gun support, touch screen to fire, touch & hold outside of display area to simulate firing away from the TV
* Configurable on-screen controls
* Bluetooth/USB gamepad & keyboard support compatible with any HID device recognized by the OS like Xbox and PS4 controllers

No ROMs are included with this app and must be supplied by the user. It supports Android’s storage access framework for opening files on both internal and external storage (SD cards, USB drives, etc.).

View the full update changelog:

Follow development of my apps on GitHub and report issues:

Please report any crashes or device-specific problems via email (include your device name and OS version) or GitHub so future updates continue to run on as many devices as possible.

What's new

* Improve frame timing logic for better fast-forward performance
* Set the autosave timer to off by default and allow setting custom timer value up to 720 min
* Add options to toggle L2/R2 key emulation from analog L/R triggers or analog Brake/Gas, when off this will only use digital L2/R2 events
* Update advanced video options (See online documentation)


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