XBrowser – Mini & Super fast
★ Minimalist & Super Fast
1M Size, uses minimal resources. Very smooth and fast.
★ Ad Blocking
Super ad blocking ability, helping you to remove 80% of malicious ads. Support importing and subscribing to third-party blocking rules.
★ Video Sniffing
Super video sniffing capability, easy to save Internet videos.
★ User Script
Build-in Support GreaseMonkey and Tampermonkey user script. Greatly improved browser capabilities.
★ Security and Privacy
Only very few permissions are requested, no background residency services, no push services, and very many security and privacy options are provided.
★ Autofill forms
Fill out forms automatically with saved info, like your user name,passwd,address etc.
★ Personalized Customization
Provide a large number of personalization options, appearance, gestures, shortcuts, etc. Can be adjusted according to your preference.
What's new
## New/optimized
- Search of opened tabs in browser search bar. Click to quickly switch to the target tag.
- Open the tab list quickly navigate to the current tab.
- History shows the favicon of the URL
- When a tab is closed, it will switch to its parent tag first.
## Fix bugs
- Fixed an issue where image could not be downloaded in some cases
- Fix some compatibility issue of ad-block rules